Thursday, 20 June 2013

                         Get  Organic Traffic  

1)Use Keyword Research: Keywords are the most important part of SEO.If we used better quality keywords to our article then the probability of searching your articles on search engine increases.I recommended you to use Google Adword Keyword Tool for better keywords research.



Suppose i want to see the keywords related to organic traffic then i write in Word or phrase column as shown in the screenshot below.

Note:Top 10 PR Sites that allow guest posting:-
After clicking on the search option it will show the result as below.

In this result you will see the Keyword column where keywords are and in second column competition is there it tells that which keyword is Medium,High,Low in the search engine.And in the third column global monthly search count is there and also local monthly count is there.
So which keyword we used out of this,simple answer is the keyword having more global and local searches.

 Don't Miss This Killer Articles On Keywords:
1)Google Adsense Keywords With Maximum CPC

2)Distribute Keywords: In first step i teach you how to find high quality search keywords.Now how to take more benefits from them.Just go to Dashboard-->Template-->Edit Html in your blog Html part you will see a section as shown in screenshot below.

Now its time to fill these blank fields you can see a field for keywords now fill all the high quality keywords here according to your blog niche. This will helps search engine to search keywords from your blog.And surely boost traffic from search engine.

3)Create XML Sitemap: What is the benefits of creating XML Sitemap. Here is the simple answer XML Sitemap helps search engine to search things easily from your blog.Some bloggers forget to submit your blog/website XML sitemap and this is a big mistake and it effects on their blog traffic.So if you forget to submit XML Sitemap then go to Webmaster Tool.

4)Link Building: Link building is also a great strategy to increase website traffic.Link building also help us to boost traffic from search engine.We can create link by commenting on other blogs and also guest post is also a great way to create backlinks.
Remember one thing to create backlinks to high PR websites.Otherwise it effects on our website alexa rank  and traffic.
5)Interact With Your Users: When someone comments on your blog then it is important for you to reply and help the user in every situation.If you follow this the user surely comes back to your blog and also shares your blog on internet.
Also setup Google Alert which helps you when someone mention your website online.
6)Keyword Density: Keyword density is also effects search engine traffic.Keyword density means by how much time the keyword comes in your article or blog.
More is the keyword density more is probability that your article or blog search in search engine.

                           Blog Guest Posting


Be sure to read and research the blog for which you will be posting. Know what type of posts the owner looks for and what type get the most reaction from the readers.
 Note: Promoting a blog
You want your post to get a lot of attention and interaction as well. Link to other posts in the blog that might be pertinent to your post. This will help with SEO as well as show the blog owner that you have taken the time to read his blog.

                                Promoting a Blog

Top 4 Blogger Communities You Should Join:-
Promoting-your-blog-for-free is dedicates site for Blog Authors. Blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is Web site with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. categorizes and highlights Blog Authors' profiles by their interest and contribution - for example some Bloggers publish commentary or news on a particular subject; others maintain blog for personal online diaries. encourage authors of any type of blogs including Textual, art (artlog), photographs (photoblog), sketches (sketchblog), videos (vlog), music (MP3 blog), audio (podcasting), which are part of a wider network of social media. They can also discuss on Micro-blogging sites, another type of blogging, one which consists of blogs with very short posts. envision this site like a big cafe where authors can meet each other, send private message and invite friends and relatives.
Blokube offers a place for bloggers to mastermind. To network. To exchange ideas and interact. Blokube is a blogger community. 

It's all about like minded individuals getting together to share valuable, quality content, but that's just the beginning.
The Blogosphere is composed of hundreds of communities across a multitude of niches and micro-niches, all collaborating and interacting within and between their circles and Blokube provides a powerful, versatile networking hub that allows all these communities to meet and grow together.

Note: How to make a Successful Blog tip from top bloggers.

In Bizsugar you can  share your business blog posts, videos and other content, so that others can learn from you.
Benefits: you reinforce a reputation as a thought leader and bring online visibility to your content.
You discover what others have shared.
Benefits: you make networking connections with other business people and stay informed.
The BizSugar voting system curates content through the wisdom of the crowd. The community votes on member-submitted tips, advice and other small business information, advancing the highest-quality posts to the home page. From there the top stories make it into the BizSugar Top 10 widget, weekly Top 10 newsletter, and Twitter feed where they get even more visibility.

This is a public made by Mark Belfitt, By joining this community you can easily connect with writers, know about other blogs.
These all features are of free of cost.You can use blogs to engage with for marketing, advertising, getting backlinks, submitting and there is Adsense income discussing. You can also get an E-Book on SEO with No cost.Blog Engage is one of the well-known Website online. If you want to get your website noticed, Just go toward Blog Engage and join.
Earn- money- by -adsenseOptimize- the- earning -of -AdsenseAdsense The best way of Earning. Easy to use and easiest method of earning for bloggers. But some conditions are also present that you can read in T&C of google adsense. A webmaster wanna place ads every where, but you can't do this. Limitation is present, like you can use only one 300x600 ad unit. At a time you can display 3 Ad units, but with this you can place three text-ad units.

So means I wanna say that a good use with intelligence is required. Utilize the all possible things, but don't create mess.

Best Ad Unit Size:

You can't create ads with your custom size, google provide pre defined size, so use it. Generally 728x90, 300x250 and 336x280 ad units give highest results. But 300x600 is also looks good and attract users for click. According to me Tall and Thin ad-units don't make good impressions.

Note: Bring Traffic From U.S Free!

Text Ads Also make High Revenue:

Generally, I see that webmaster like Image ads, I know it looks pretty, but text ads also provide high revenue, so don't ignore them. Always use combination of both.

Search Box Ads:

You can use this for search query. Google allow two AdSense for search boxes ad-units. What is the benefit of It? In this you can earn from relevant ads, that show on search results page.

Use perfect Color Combination:

Yes this one is very important, Google allow you to customize color of your text ads. It provide some pre defined options but you can make it according to you theme to make it more attractive and for more clicks. According to me don't use simple blue link ads, give it color of theme, it will defiantly increase revenue.

How -to- display- adsense- ads- below -first- post - in- blogger
If you wanna earn more money thru Adsense or wanna display more and more Ad units on blog, then i will give you a good and effective solution for this. This method is already used by blogger But you can manually add anything. Follow below steps and get:

  1. First of all open and login.
  2. Now go to Template >> Edit HTML.
  3. Simply click on Expand Template Widgets
  4. Here search for <b:include data='post' name='post'/> and copy full point number 5, and paste below it. 
  5. <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>
    <div style='border:1px solid #ccc;background:#f9f9f9;margin-bottom:15px;padding:10px;text-align:center'>
     "Put your code here" 
  6. Replace the "Put your code here" with your code for ad or anything.
That's All. You can add anything here or use it as you as you want.

Note: Avoid Mistakes in Blogging and make a successful blog

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

How- to- bring -traffic- from- usa

How To Increase Blog Visitors From US:-

How- to- bring- traffic- from -usa
1)Use StumbleUpon: We all know Facebook comes in first place for bringing visitors to your blog.I also used Facebook for advertised my blog.

But also there is another social networking website named StumbleUpon who diverts real organic traffic from US to your blog.So if you want to promote your blog start using StumbleUpon.I sure you get good results(US visitors) from this website.
2)Submit Blog To Popular US Web Directories: This is the most useful tip to increase web traffic from US.So submit your blog to popular USA web directories.Below is the list to popular USA web directories.

1)USA Free List Web Directory
2)USA Free Website Directory
3)More Free USA Direcotires
3)Write Your Articles Related To US Audience: To attract more visitors from US you have to write about them or about that things they mostly like.

I suggested you to write on iPhone,Android Smartphones and apps.I also use this strategy on my blog also to increase traffic from the US.But it totally depends upon your blog niche.

Note: How to make a Successful Blog tip from top bloggers.

4)Get .us Domain For Your Website: The most successful and the easiest way to attract American audience, then we must buy a domain name. It appears pretty childish, but according to the facts it does brings bulks of US Target visitors to your blog or website. Sharing my personal experience after having a deep research, I purchased a domain name and thankfully the results were promising. I am certain it will not let you down just give it a try.
5)Advertised On Popular US Websites: This is also a great strategy to increase traffic from US.So choose some popular websites from US.And pay them some money for advertising.Sure you will get good result from this.
Remember: Choose website according to your blog niche.
6)Write Guest Post On US Websites: This is the best and natural idea to increase traffic fro US.So choose some popular US websites who accept guest post.And leave a link of your website in the guest post.Sure you will get good result.And get more traffic from US

Earn Money By Sponsored Reviews

Earn- Money -by -blogging..Hi,
I always try to make more and more money from my blog, today i was searching on net and i got another big solution. Sponsored Review is also a good technique for money generation. Many companies providing this service PayPerPost, Sponsored Reviews and ReviewMe, refining the process and expanding the paid blogging model.

All these provide sponsored posts opprtunities. They will provide you topic, just write on it and place a link, decide your price and get money.

Note: Big mistakes avoid in blogging.

I think this is best just write about what they say and get money. You can get more money if you have large audience. So now you can f**k adsense if you don't have, cut the commissions and get directly money.

I am posting list of some companies with link who provide this service:

1. Affiliate Ads:      Earn- money- by -blogging

In this you can sale product of other online. You can get a good amount of money by this. In this you will earn a commission, when a product is sale out from your website you get money.

2. Sale Your Own Products:

You can start a small e-shop, just place ads of your own product. Its you blog sale any thing if you can, You can sale your old things and books too. You can sale your ebook also.

3. Use Your Talent:

If you any things like, web designing, wordpress, music, etc. then just put ads of your talent and if possible show demo online and earn bucks. If you wanna know theme creation then you can place you price and demo.

4. Write Paid Posts:

Here are some companies that will give you on writing about them. Means write a post about them and get money. You can use Sponsor Post program or pay per post too.

5. Promote Your Own Business:

A blog is free and best way of promotion. I wanna give you example of this like many freelance writers keep blogs so that they can network with other freelancers and reach clients by offering advice and improving their website’s search engine ranking.

Note: Avoid Mistakes in Blogging and make a successful blog

A brief about some common blogging mistakes:

1. No use of images:                                                

Make- blog- successful

Blog without images is like tea without sugar and like for the taste of tea sugar plays its own important part same will be for images for blogs. People will only like if your blog will be with the images.

2. Not efficient searching:

For writing on anything one should know each and every thing about that topic and half knowledge will let that knowledge like a waste.

3. Cut, copy and paste:

It is a very common thing seeing mostly as many bloggers for saving themselves from writing just cut from Google copy it and paste to the blog.

Note: How to make a Successful Blog tip from top bloggers.

4. Not writing about particular topics:

Writing on a particular topic and going in its deep will give a perfect tuning with the blogging. As the reader wants everything on the related topic not any crap.

5. Not too much content:

This is a drawback that you are writing very less on the topic or subtopic as content also matters when it comes to blogging.

  6. Writing too much:

It is a very popular saying that “having too much or having too less,both are problem creators for a person”. So taking it in mind it should be written in proper quantity and quality.

7. No use of social websites:

In today’s time as social marketing increases very quickly with much advancement and with this using of social websites to promote your blog is a very good option.

8. Forgetting to invite readers for leaving comments or giving their

When a reader reads your blog it must be necessary to take his/her view about his/her reading. So that blogger comes to know about their blog’s drawbacks.

9. Writing on a topic which nobody cares about:

Mostly it has been seen that in some blogs there are writing on a topic on which the readers doesn't care about. And it is a topic of reminding that the topic should be written by taking care of your audience.

10.Not writing blogs at a particular interval:

When you are writing your blog on your accordance then it should not be there that the result will also be in accordance to you as if you are writing an blog after a long time then it loses its market.

11.Quantity without quality:

It could be seen that in some articles there is only quantity but not quality and vice verse  In both cases the loss will be for bloggers as it directly affects the market of that blogging site.

12.Not creating proper URLs:

Writing a very excellent article but not proving efficient URL will affect that article too in the worst sense. So, it should be in mind whether to use proper URLs.

I hope you should learn something from here and avoid these mistakes in your blogging career

Earn- money -by- blogging

Measure Your Blogging Success

“If you’re blogging for business, rather than blogging about your cat, baby, fashion addiction, or crush on Taylor Swift, you need to set some success metrics,” says Jay Baer, founder of Convince and Convert.
Without a statistical measure of your blogging progress, adding content to your blog on a regular basis can be an incredibly lonely proposition. Is anyone out there? Does anyone care?
Measures -for -blogging- tips
However, within the business blogging arena there are a wide variety of potential metrics to gauge your momentum. It’s imperative that you select the most relevant ones that match with your blog’s purpose.
The first step in that process of course is to know why you’re blogging. This sounds simple, but it’s shocking how many bloggers aren’t clear on the core business rationale behind their blog initiative.
As I see it, you have 3 options:
  • Blogging for Content
    This is the scenario where you are writing a blog with considerable emphasis on search optimization, attempting to drive traffic to the blog via strategic content creation and keyword inclusion. Your metric is search traffic.
  • Blogging for Commerce
    Related to the first, but commerce-oriented blogs are more interested in conversion events than in traffic generation. Funneling traffic from the blog to some other web destination (typically a corporate site or lead form) is the primary objective. Here, your metrics are leads and conversions.
  • Blogging for Community
    These blogs seek to build a consistent readership that interacts with the blogger(s) and advocates on behalf of the content on other social outposts.
Determine the main reason why your business has a blog and pick success metrics to match.

Note: Big mistakes avoid in blogging.

#2: Pursue Guest Blogging Opportunities

One of the best ways to get exposure for your blog is to blog for other people. Rich Brooks, president of Flyte New Media, offers some great advice to start building relationships for potential guest blogging opportunities.
“Find the influential bloggers in your related industries,” says Brooks, “and read their blogs. As appropriate, leave intelligent, thoughtful comments that further the conversation. This can drive traffic to your blog and may open up opportunities for guest blogging at their blog as they become aware of you through your brilliant insights. However, this must be a win-win for it to work. If you leave comments for completely selfish reasons, you can expect limited results.”

#3: Reframe How You Look at Business Blogging

“I often hear people complain that they don’t have time to write on their business blog or they don’t know what to write about,” says Denise Wakeman, founder of The Blog Squad. “Yet a blog is one of the best tools you can use to distribute your message across the web.”
One way to move away from this mode of thinking is to reframe how you look at blogging. It’s not about writing on a blog; it’s about taking advantage of a powerful marketing tool that works for you 24/7/365. Then, schedule writing time so it doesn’t slip through the cracks in the course of a busy day or week.
Here’s a 4-step process to get you started:
1.     Block out your writing time on a calendar.
2.     Plan your content in advance. Create an editorial calendar and plug in your topics 1 to 3 months in advance.
3.     For each of your blog categories, list a minimum of 5 topics you can cover related to your company, products and the solutions you provide.
4.     Pop them into your editorial calendar as prompts so you’re never at a loss for ideas when it’s time to create content.

#4: Add Keywords to Your Blog Titles and Posts

Rob Birgfeld of SmartBrief says keywords are the secret sauce to a successful business blog.
“It’s easy,” Birgfeld says, “to write blog posts on whatever topic springs to mind. But chances are your blog was created to help achieve business goals. In order to reach those goals, take data from your search engine marketing efforts and develop an editorial plan around your top-producing keywords.”
Gather your top 10-15 keywords or phrases and write blog posts specific to each one. Keep the content compelling, but be sure to sprinkle the selected keyword (and synonyms) throughout the post.
Most importantly, be sure to include those all-important keywords in the blog title and in the tags that you select. Not only will a keyword-driven blogging strategy help you build and plan out your editorial calendar, it will help you reach company goals via proven search engine marketing data. Thus providing you with something that’s hard to come by in social media: An easier sell to your CFO.
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