Wednesday, 19 June 2013

A brief about some common blogging mistakes:

1. No use of images:                                                

Make- blog- successful

Blog without images is like tea without sugar and like for the taste of tea sugar plays its own important part same will be for images for blogs. People will only like if your blog will be with the images.

2. Not efficient searching:

For writing on anything one should know each and every thing about that topic and half knowledge will let that knowledge like a waste.

3. Cut, copy and paste:

It is a very common thing seeing mostly as many bloggers for saving themselves from writing just cut from Google copy it and paste to the blog.

Note: How to make a Successful Blog tip from top bloggers.

4. Not writing about particular topics:

Writing on a particular topic and going in its deep will give a perfect tuning with the blogging. As the reader wants everything on the related topic not any crap.

5. Not too much content:

This is a drawback that you are writing very less on the topic or subtopic as content also matters when it comes to blogging.

  6. Writing too much:

It is a very popular saying that “having too much or having too less,both are problem creators for a person”. So taking it in mind it should be written in proper quantity and quality.

7. No use of social websites:

In today’s time as social marketing increases very quickly with much advancement and with this using of social websites to promote your blog is a very good option.

8. Forgetting to invite readers for leaving comments or giving their

When a reader reads your blog it must be necessary to take his/her view about his/her reading. So that blogger comes to know about their blog’s drawbacks.

9. Writing on a topic which nobody cares about:

Mostly it has been seen that in some blogs there are writing on a topic on which the readers doesn't care about. And it is a topic of reminding that the topic should be written by taking care of your audience.

10.Not writing blogs at a particular interval:

When you are writing your blog on your accordance then it should not be there that the result will also be in accordance to you as if you are writing an blog after a long time then it loses its market.

11.Quantity without quality:

It could be seen that in some articles there is only quantity but not quality and vice verse  In both cases the loss will be for bloggers as it directly affects the market of that blogging site.

12.Not creating proper URLs:

Writing a very excellent article but not proving efficient URL will affect that article too in the worst sense. So, it should be in mind whether to use proper URLs.

I hope you should learn something from here and avoid these mistakes in your blogging career


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