Wednesday, 19 June 2013

1. Affiliate Ads:      Earn- money- by -blogging

In this you can sale product of other online. You can get a good amount of money by this. In this you will earn a commission, when a product is sale out from your website you get money.

2. Sale Your Own Products:

You can start a small e-shop, just place ads of your own product. Its you blog sale any thing if you can, You can sale your old things and books too. You can sale your ebook also.

3. Use Your Talent:

If you any things like, web designing, wordpress, music, etc. then just put ads of your talent and if possible show demo online and earn bucks. If you wanna know theme creation then you can place you price and demo.

4. Write Paid Posts:

Here are some companies that will give you on writing about them. Means write a post about them and get money. You can use Sponsor Post program or pay per post too.

5. Promote Your Own Business:

A blog is free and best way of promotion. I wanna give you example of this like many freelance writers keep blogs so that they can network with other freelancers and reach clients by offering advice and improving their website’s search engine ranking.

Note: Avoid Mistakes in Blogging and make a successful blog


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