Long ways 1 is a first individual shooter movie diversion improved by Crytek Studios and distributed by Ubisoft on March 23, 2004, for Microsoft Windows. Long ways sold 730,000 units inside four months of discharge. It accepted positive surveys upon discharge. The definitive diversion has since produced an arrangement of spin-offs and turn off
recreations and a film. Long ways isn't only a staggering specialized fulfillment. It's possibly the best single player first individual shooter experience for the PC since Half Life.
Long ways diversion's story accompanies a previous U.s. Armed force Special Forces agent Jack Carver, who is stranded on a perplexing archipelago. He is hunting down a female writer he was escorting after she make a go at missing when their vessel was pulverized by soldiers of fortune. The diversion incorporates topical components identifying with the dangers of weapon punch hereditary designing and the genocide of nearby islanders as might be seen by the disfigured animals made by a distraught researcher named Krieger.
Long ways has the most progressed illustrations seen in any PC amusement to date. Everything in this amusement looks astonishing, and the level of verisimilitude is phenomenal. Wildernesses truly emphasize thick foliage that comprises of trees, plants, and tall grasses, and this foliage is loaded with fowls and creepy crawlies. Shores have blinding-white sand, and the surf gradually laps shorewards. The character models are a percentage of the best we've ever seen in such a diversion, and they're luxuriously nitty gritty and enlivened.
The amusement additionally fuses constant lighting and shading impacts to a degree once in a while seen in the recent past, so when you stroll in the wilderness, you really see the shadows of overhead leaves flashing on your rifle. In a percentage of the bigger indoor levels, the shadows of approaching adversaries are anticipated in bigger thanlife structure onto dividers. Compelling high temperature smear from magma streams mutilate the climate. Furthermore a close miss from a foe rocket will zonk out your vision as though you got the wind knocked out of you.
Cpu: 1.3Ghz
Ram: 512 Mb
Video Card: 128 Mb
Hard Space: 4 GB

1. Extract all files "FARCRY DISK 1","FARCRY DISK 2" ,FAR.CRY.
, into a folder.
2. run "setup".exe file and install game.
3. After installation copy
"FarCry".exe and paste it to the installationdirectory(where you install game) Default is C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Crytek\Far Cry\Bin32
recreations and a film. Long ways isn't only a staggering specialized fulfillment. It's possibly the best single player first individual shooter experience for the PC since Half Life.
Long ways diversion's story accompanies a previous U.s. Armed force Special Forces agent Jack Carver, who is stranded on a perplexing archipelago. He is hunting down a female writer he was escorting after she make a go at missing when their vessel was pulverized by soldiers of fortune. The diversion incorporates topical components identifying with the dangers of weapon punch hereditary designing and the genocide of nearby islanders as might be seen by the disfigured animals made by a distraught researcher named Krieger.
Long ways has the most progressed illustrations seen in any PC amusement to date. Everything in this amusement looks astonishing, and the level of verisimilitude is phenomenal. Wildernesses truly emphasize thick foliage that comprises of trees, plants, and tall grasses, and this foliage is loaded with fowls and creepy crawlies. Shores have blinding-white sand, and the surf gradually laps shorewards. The character models are a percentage of the best we've ever seen in such a diversion, and they're luxuriously nitty gritty and enlivened.
The amusement additionally fuses constant lighting and shading impacts to a degree once in a while seen in the recent past, so when you stroll in the wilderness, you really see the shadows of overhead leaves flashing on your rifle. In a percentage of the bigger indoor levels, the shadows of approaching adversaries are anticipated in bigger thanlife structure onto dividers. Compelling high temperature smear from magma streams mutilate the climate. Furthermore a close miss from a foe rocket will zonk out your vision as though you got the wind knocked out of you.
Cpu: 1.3Ghz
Ram: 512 Mb
Video Card: 128 Mb
Hard Space: 4 GB
1. Extract all files "FARCRY DISK 1","FARCRY DISK 2" ,FAR.CRY.

2. run "setup".exe file and install game.
3. After installation copy

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